Thursday, July 13, 2006

(for cms3)

I think of you when I hear good music
Right now it’s Kenny Garrett
Getting it in my ears

I sit at work and nod my head in beat with the beat
Remember when we sat closed eyed at a small table
Not even concentrating, just vibin
Just feelin and knowin

This is that feeling they always talk about
The one they say is gone
It was there that night
Now it’s here with me in my head

I have to admit
My heart still beats faster
Slows down sometimes
And even stops when there’s the chance of you coming near

What I’m saying is nothing new
It’s come before and will come after me
Cause what I’m hearing and feeling and knowing and going through
Ain’t nothin but the blues
(for g.g.)

It is nice
To have somebody to talk to
Who knows when to speak
And when to silence

Nice to hear music and know there doesn’t have to be a voice in every bar

It’s nice talking to you
It seems you want to know me because we go back
And forth ward I would like to be quite honest
By saying that conversation beats out all the rest of the qualifiers
With me


Without being too forward I would also like to say
I don’t often come in touch with those who can compete in the word game with me
And I was done with competition a long time ago

But still sometimes it comes down to that
Can you compare to me?
And can you grasp my simplicity?

It really isn’t so hard
Rather soft I’d say

It is a joy, however
And I’d like to make this everclear to you now before I forget and then let it be not said
To communicate
And know it’s effective and functionable
And laughable at
And talkable to

That’s what you are
Talkable to

And I enjoy the niceness of you

Thursday, July 06, 2006

not too out/not outspoken/but outstanding
unspoken, like love, just is

is you--becomes you

overcomes you
i know who this was for. . . /((cms1)...actually iii)

days are getting fuller
but i'm finding it hard to feel them truly filled
without knowing i can reach out to touch you
could access yr friendship readily
i miss you

please respond to this letter
this honesty
this baring of my truth for you
what year was this?

either they
say they're not worth
my time
too humble
or they aren't worth
my time
--not humble enuf

both ways i end