Monday, April 23, 2007

38-part deux

Or maybe your mother
Was just real sweet
And even passed
Some down the line
To you
So that on this
first really sunny
day of springtime
you would come to
give me a kiss
on the right cheek
with your cocoa
colored lips
soft and
best friend/
big brother dry-wet
like not

having a phone is
this thing I really
kind of expect from
whoever my lover
or loved will be
and less a phone
than potential
reach out and
touch ability
which I feel you
even with your
age over mine
and life seemingly
quite established
or enuf to enjoy

oh I’m sorry
just got distracted
by changing trains
and the beautiful
polite Spaniard man
passing by
he waited
and then smiled
and looked back
and back
and back
and the only reason
I know is because
I looked back
And back
And back
But back to you
Something I know
Is that
Me doesn’t like it
When you say
You will but
You don’t

This ‘was supposed to
but didn’t’ especially
when paired with
an ‘I thought he
would but he didn’t
so we didn’t’
comes crashing down
inside of my brain
just like the
wood-grain blocks
of jenga
falling down
with immediacy
due to a lack of
adequate care
or effort to
keep things standing
and intact

so maybe your
mother, who
knits and crochets
by the way,
taught you
sweet and polite
and time has
shown you the
intrigue of the

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