Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No. (for j.w.3)

We can't make love tonight. Perhaps the time will come, but it is not now. And if again you hear me say no, i don't ever want you to think i'm saying it as a form of rejection.
i could never reject you. I don't say no because i don't love you. it's because i love myself more and i always will.
is that an alright place for you?
can you accept being next to me, sometimes even behind? never ahead?

With this mind and these questions am i failing to love?
Jesus. . .God
for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life

if God be in me and i step behind you in this life, haven't i put you before God?
But if i see the God in you and in me and we are one, then He lives in and with us,
so neither can ever be before or behind, but together.
for there is no longer a you or an i.
just us, only we.

only God.

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