Monday, October 30, 2006

You like saying goodbye
Is it because you know what will follow is hello?
I tripped over a newspaper this morning getting off the train
Thinking of you
Brings me no shame
Sometimes you call and give me a sweet surprise
I never know
With you there is only up
And spicy is the quickest way to get my tongue in action
And going nonstop
Like the flight I’ll be taking home for the holidays
I want a guaranteed spot under your watch on the second day of 2007
Don’t promise me
Just give to me
Two hour glimpses of you on late nights
When I should be planning but I rather you selfishly submit time to me
What you are to me is this mystery I finally decided I don’t need to solve
I know what I like
I know how fast you make my hand move
The thoughts you stir
My head can take
Wants to take you into permanent residency—but I feel your pull back when I get too close
I drop speech quick and maybe too fast into your right ear on Monday nights at ten
And Tuesdays just before you lay down in your bed alone
It is dark because you’ve offed the lights
My voice dances gracefully in your head, across synapses
Making you to remember tiny little details about me
While you wait for sleep
This slow patient waiting thing you do
Is new to me
But I like it
Your pace
So I’ve decided to stay and see where it takes us
Home, maybe
Or out to eat
But someplace
We’re definitely on our way

Where you ask?
We are on our way to where we’re going
And my daddy won’t be nowhere near

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