Sunday, April 30, 2006

(for j.r.)
A girlinmyoffice left crying today
Wet crowded hereyes when she came over to me,
Tiredandoverworn but openarmed and still full of heart,
Asking the simple
Left on her desk
She needed to leaveforher papi
It might be the last time she gets to see him
Shewas rushing to the cold place full of life on the brink of change
And sudden death

She was trying to stay stonecold
Officelike and right
And she came to me because I am her officialbackup
I hold her up when her back gives up

She came to me and I knew
it was timetomovefastbecauselifewasbeingheld
for this moment
She was rushingtothankgod for years given close to the beloved
whose time it was to go soon
And I responded
Walked straight pastthemorons with
big names and even bigger titles
The heartlessandprofessional loveless
They love less and she came to me

Was it because sheknewIwould know?
And knew I did not really belong?

I know I am a world different than the waters in which I now tread
My breath stops just short of deep these days in fear that if I do inhale complete, I will choke
and die
and my life is not theirs for take
is not yours to fill,
you with no regard to personal space and business
life is not a business
mine is not your business
and maybe that is what the girl with the tears knew
her business was hers until she wanted to share it and with whomever that was
and they are not welcome

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