Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I wish I could save all the words you say to me
You give to me a smile every time we talk

I hear new york in dee cee
And I see your smile
Always stuck on your face
Always smiling at me

I wish I could be where you are
And I wonder what that would be like
I wonder what me in your arms would feel like
Daily standing close to you
Hearing new york still in dee cee but coming into Chicago standing still
And close to you

I wish I could know how these “things” are going to work themselves out
How life is going to happen tomorrow and the next day

I wish I could see what your nocturnal eyes look like beyond those frames of seeing
Into the world
You see the world in a wise way
You know the world more than me
And I feel like I need to open a few more books before I say something stupid to you, king

I usually don’t like to be referred to as queen by a kingly man as yourself
It seems to suggest a certain arrogance or state of mind that I don’t know I possess
“Queen” fallen from lips as yours would be a compliment, yes
but still, I feel uncomfortable with such honor
perhaps I wish to sell myself short of the glory you emit

your light so bright
it shines around me
and a circle of warmth is added to my blessings
your voice always peaceful and calm among the already celebrated of my own glories

I am thinking of what else to say to such a stately one as you

How do I say enough words without saying too many?
Perhaps the answer is in a golden silence starting…now

Copyright © 2006 by Arin Lawrence

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